27 November 2010

Magnets and Motion.

So, I was just messing with a wheel and a few magnets a while back, and I seem to have invented a perpetual motion machine.
A lot of people think that perpetual motion is impossible. The truth of the matter is, it's actually very possible to make a machine that will run on it's own... forever.

Here's how it works...
It's basically a horizontal spinning wheel with powerful magnets spaced evenly round the wheel's outer edge. We're talking really strong magnets... like the ones you get to clean a fish-tank.
Around the wheel there are other magnets that spin at a different rate (and in the opposite direction to the wheel) as the wheel magnets approach the spinning magnets. It is these spinning magnets that force the big wheel to spin. The magnets on the wheel are polarised N S N S etc.... and the outer spinning magnets spin to either attract opposite magnets or to repel similarly polarised magnets, so that the wheel will spin in one direction. This is more easily explained in the following highly detailed technical schematic:

The spinning magnets are powered by the main wheel, and the rate that they spin is dictated by the presence of a cam on the main wheel (as clearly indicated in the above and side views). In short, the spinning magnets spin faster as one of the wheel magnets goes past.

Now obviously I could build this and it wouldn't work immediately. (obviously!...I'm not stupid). What it would require for it to work is for someone to spin it to start it up.... but then once it's spinning it'll continue to spin under it's own steam until the end of time. Or until force of the magnets diminishes. I not sure if magnets will lose their power after a long time, but all it would need is for someone to occasionally replace the magnets after several years. That and a bit of oil for lubrication once in a while is all the machine needs maintenance wise.

So there you go. The Magnetic Perpetual Motion Machine will run forever. It's the solution to the world's energy crisis. It'll stop the need to use fossil fuels or nuclear power, and if I patent the idea, it'll make me a multi-billionaire. So why don't I make and market the idea? .... To be honest I can't be arsed. You do it. - I did you a drawing. What more d'you want? Leave me alone!...


  1. I saw a youtube video with a similar setup, although less complicated. Although i am not sure about the legitimacy of it, i believe the stator magnets were fixed disc magnets that spun when the rotor was turned.(evidently reacting with the magnetic field)Although, when the motor was finally synced, it seemed to allow for some sort of simple speed control by stopping one of the stators. Dang, it looks like the link for the video is broken. The best i have now is a picture of the darn thing :( oh well, here's the link. http://www.magistrala.cz/freeenergy/2008/01/08/oc-magnet-motor/

  2. Cool. That's pretty much my design. And whether it works or not, that's the very reason I started this blog: to show people I had the idea before I was aware someone else had done the the same thing. Great minds think alike.
    (although I think idiot minds probably think along the same lines also.)

  3. Lol the korean chap _US patented this in 1997 perpetual magnetic wheel

  4. Keep up the good work guys the more people know the better, then we can stop paying for our energy or atleast get the good clean stuff from a giant version of one of these :)
